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This survey is part of the consultation process to capture the thoughts, comments, and feedback from stakeholders about the findings and core recommendations presented in the draft report

This feedback will be collated and integrated within the final findings and recommendations to be presented in June.

The survey should only take you about ten minutes to complete. Please answer the questions as honestly as you can. 

Consultation closes 23/06/2021

Question Title

* 1. To what extent do you feel that there have been changes in the following areas as a result of COVID-19? Please select one for each statement

  Significant changes A lot of changes Some small changes No changes Don't know
Your organisation
The work environment for your trainees or apprentices
The skills and knowledge required by your employees
Your approach to training

Question Title

* 2. What have been the biggest impacts to your staff and organisation?

Question Title

* 3. Please list which top-of-mind skills and knowledge have been impacted (e.g. use of PPE, infection control etc.)

Question Title

* 4. If your work-based training has changed – please can you tell us how.

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* 5. How would you describe the current methods of training for your trainees and/or apprentices?

Question Title

* 6. How have your trainees/apprentices dealt with and been supported with any changes in their required skills, knowledge?

Question Title

* 7. Thinking about the recommendations proposed in the report, which ones stand out as most innovative?

Question Title

* 8. The report recommends that there should be more blended learning used in training. To what extent do you agree with the following?

  Strongly agree Agree uncertain Disagree Strongly disagree
i. Blended learning will help trainees to manage their time more effectively.
ii. Blended learning is ineffective and too complicated compared to traditional methods.
iii. I believe that trainees will not be able to adapt to new methods of learning.
iv. Blended learning will require more time and cost for our organisation to implement and manage.
v. Blended learning encourages trainees to pursue learning through a personalised mix of knowledge and practical application.
vi. Blended learning would impact positively on trainees and apprentices

Question Title

* 9. Thinking about current training activities and their delivery methods, what aspects could be done differently?

Question Title

* 10. To what extent do current methods of training deliver what is needed for the following stakeholders?

  Very well Good Satisfactory Not very well Not at all
i. The trainee
ii. The organisation
iii. The industry sector
iv. The government

Question Title

* 11. How well do you think the report identifies and addresses the current and future changes experienced from the impact of COVID-19?

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* 12. What, if any, barriers exist that will hinder or prevent the development of more flexible and blended methods of training and development?

Question Title

* 13. How strongly do you agree or disagree with each of these recommendations?
Please select one for each recommendation

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know
There’s a need to identify and analyse what is changing specifically for healthcare support workers in target sectors.
Agree which skills are new, need updating or are now irrelevant for the roles that relate to each targeted qualification.
Develop an integrated blended learning model for employers and employees that suits different learning styles and organisational type.
Develop cross-organisation trainee networks to improve quality, consistency, and equality of training.
Foster a culture of collaborative and continuous learning.
Introduce social influence through self-directed groups

Question Title

* 14. And how strongly do you agree or disagree with each of these recommendations? Please select one for each recommendation

  Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
Use, invest and develop Aka Toi further
Make all training materials accessible 24/7
Drive and develop stackable micro-credentials for high change, high demand areas
Employers should be the expert and anticipate.
Employers should develop a supportive learning culture.
Employers should make learning experiential for employees.

Question Title

* 15. What are your reasons for feeling that way about the recommendations?

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* 16. Which, if any, of the findings were surprising to you? And why?

Question Title

* 17. What other feedback or comments would you like to provide about the draft report?

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* 18. Please provide background and contact details

0 of 18 answered